
Monday, September 30, 2019

Assess Contribution of Ngos to the Community

Introduction This chapter introduces the background of the problem, objective of the study, statement of the problem, research questions and significant of the study. 1. 0 Background of the Studies According to World bank, NGO’s are defined as private organizations that pursue activities to relieves suffering, promote the interest of the poor, protect the environment, provides basic social services, or undertake community developments( World Bank criteria defining NGO,2007). Historically, Non-Governmental Organization at international level have a history dating back to at least 1839.It have been estimated that by 1914 there were 1098 NGO’s. The international Ngo’s were important in the anti slavery movement and the movement of women suffrage, and reached peak at the time of world disarmament conference. Non Governmental Organization only comes into popular use with the establishment of United Nation Organization in 1994 with the provisions in the article 71 of c hapter 10 of the United Nations chapter for consultative role of organizations which are neither government nor member state. Davis, 2007). The vital role of NGOs in sustainable development was recognized in the chapter 27 of agenda 21 in the UN conference, In the 20th century during the establishment of globalization the importance of NGO’s was recognized, where many problems could not be solved within a nation, Hence NGO’s have developed to emphasize Humanitarian issues, development aids and sustainable development (Howell, 2000). According to World Bank, There two purposes of NGO are operational and advocacy .Operational is the primary purpose of NGO’s . Primary purpose of NGO’s to design the implementation of development related projects, Example Community Based Organization. The primary purpose of Advocacy NGO’s is to defend or promote a specific cause. As opposed to operational project management, these organizations typically try to raise aw areness, acceptance and knowledge by lobbying press work and activist event (Wikipedia, 2011).Non Government Organization has been an engine towards improving the living standard of the people, since not all the problem could be solved within the nation tracing back the Tanzanian history, since 1961, Tanzania has been at war against three development enemies such as ignorance, poverty and diseases. However in 1996 the overall policy has included special forms of poverty reduction in additions to measures to sustain sound macro economic levels (URT, 2007). The progress of minimizing three enemies is mixed, towards achieving development of the community.Indicators in measuring development are range, others show sign of improvement, and others remain the same while others get worse. Many disparities still exist such as gap between the poor and rich, the bridge between urban and rural, female and male, able and disabled. It is also clear that children, youth, and the elderly and people with disabilities have their own problem especially poverty that all problems are felt at different extent in different parts of the country, Hence Low living standard is inevitable (chambers, 1983). One of the indicators of the standard of living is health. In 1990, the health situation in Tanzania was mixed.Diseases like tuberculosis among elderly, youth, youth and children increased, The availability of drugs were scarce, many people in rural areas were have to travel to distance for the health facilities and get many drugs were very expensive for the poor to afford. For stance 90% of the children’s’ deaths in local communities and some urban areas are due to preventable causes (National Strategy of Growth and Reduction of Poverty, 2005). Education is also among the major aspect of living standard of the community. Several tactics, programs, have been enrolled in the improvement of education situation in Tanzania.Despite the improvement of enrollment in education co nsiderably in the last five years in 2004, as the results of primary education development Program(PESP), still many problems and challenges are inevitable, such as shortage of text books desks, chairs, teachers, latrines holes and teachers houses remarkably wanted in primary schools, especially in rural areas. Moreover the edges of poverty torn the education situation in Tanzania. in most student in Rural areas passes primary education but there were no room to accommodate them. Also, others lack school uniforms and tuition fees due to hardship of the economy that parents are facing. NSGRP, 2005). Living standard of Tanzanian and African at large depends on agriculture as the economy backborn. 45% of Agriculture contributes in the GDP and 60% of the of the export earnings in the year. Still the living standard of many people are low, since they produce for consumption and practice poor farming methods that result to low harvest (NSGRP,2005). Non Government Organizations play vital remarkable roles in improving the living standard of people among the local communities in Tanzania. NGO’s are involved in a very diverse range of human activities and human influence on the environment.These strata of societies they are involved at, children and youth, conflict resolution, education, health and nutrition, human rights and relief services. (Wikipedia, 2011). The effectiveness of Non government Organization in improving the living standard of people has been achieved at some extent. In a case of Moshono, in Arusha, the international organization called World Vision, Intervene in that society with efforts to eradicate poverty and bring about good living standard among the people in the society The intervention of WV in the Moshono ADP has brought positive impact toward the society.Through ADP many project such as water projects, education projects, environmental projects and agriculture projects(including livestock arming and beekeeping) are undertaken so as to solve socio-economic problems in Moshono, and hence improve their living standards at large extent. Before intervention World vision as any NGO, observe the political admistration of the area, population size, poverty, socio-economic available, commitment of the local leaders . World vision use sustainable livelihood approach ( Moshono ADP, 2007). 2. 0 Statement of the problemThe effectiveness of NGOs in improving the living standard of local communities has brought a significance results to various communities towards poverty alleviation. Poverty is the major problem facing the societies that means they are characterized with endless lack of the resources, choices, security and power necessary for the enjoyment of the living standard (Maccihato, 2009). The World Bank notes that â€Å"the incidence of poverty in the world is higher than past estimates have suggested that 1. 4 billion people live under poverty line.In Sub Saharan African Growth and Economic performances over the pa st two decade have been described in recent scholarly writings as â€Å"tragic† (The World Bank Economic review, 2000). There are various ways which will help to reduce and eradicate poverty improve the living standard of the people such as support provision of social services, example education, water, infrastructure mobilization of people for collective action such as development projects, provision of soft loans to individuals through Non Government Organizations, Particularly in the case of Moshono ADP under World Vision is concerned with the improvement f local community living standard through its various projects such as water supply project, primary school classrooms construction, health care projects, have been established to eradicate poverty in the area and the life of many have been improved (Moshono ADP, 2010). In this context there are various things which will be examined to measure effectiveness of NGO’s in improving the living standard of people.The cr ucial aspect will be identifying how NGO are supporting local community, where there are various measures done by NGO to contribute towards alleviation of poverty such as reduced illiteracy rate, improved farm fertility, improved supply of safe and clean water, improved health services, increased individual and household income. ( Moshono ADP, 2007). 3. 0 Objectives of Studies 3. 1 General Objective To assess the contribution of NGO in improving the living standard of the local communities. 3. 2 Specific Objectives 1.To identify how NGO’s are supporting community welfare. 2. To find out how the assistance provided to the local communities has positively affected their living condition. 3. Challenges that NGO’s face in improving the living standard of the people. 4. 0 Research Question 1. What support does NGO provided Moshono ADP? 2. To what extent does the Moshono ADP contributes in changing the living standard of local communities? 3. What are the problems faced by t he NGO in improving the living standard of Moshono people at Moshono ADP? 5. Significance of the Study 1. The study will be resourcefully to the areas of development program as it will provide data and various relevant information and improving social and economic activities for sustainable development and effective intervention. 2. Also, the study will be instrumental to policy maker’s institution, economic planners and other NGOs with mission of improving the economic and social status of the local communities because it will act as a self evaluation instrument. CHAPTER TWO 6. 0 Literature review IntroductionThis chapter shows contribution of different authors and documents on the research topic. It emphasizes the views, theories principles and polices given out by individuals’ organizations, agencies, the government and group on the research topic. 6. 1 Theoretical Review Non Government Organization play a vital role to promote the living standard of the local commu nities, the major important of the NGO’s increases â€Å"social capital† by providing people with opportunities to build trust in each other and capacity to work together towards common goal.NGO’s promote pluralism, diversity, and tolerance in society while protecting and strengthening cultural ethics, religious, linguistic and other identities. Moreover, NGO’s advances science and thought develop culture and arts develop culture and arts, protect environment and support activities concerning civil societies, NGO’s is a facilitator of citizen through it advocacy and operational mission as classified with World Bank (ICE, 2002). NGO’s mainly are doing to encourage socio-economic development and the community at large in less developed countries particularly in Tanzania (UN human Development report, 2000).There are various indicators that an organization may be labeled an NGO if it ha four characteristics identified by the commonwealth foundat ion, a London based NGO group. These characteristics are the guidelines for the good practices of NGO’s. These characteristics includes Voluntary membership, independent and autonomy where NGO’s are independent within the laws of society and owned by the members and controlled by board elected from members, Non-for-profit, NGO’s are not for private personal gains, but NGO’s may involve in income generating activities for pursuing organization mission.Another indicator for the good performance NGO’s should not self-serving in aims and related value, The aims of NGO’s is to improve the circumstances and prospects of people and to act on concern on issues detrimental to wellbeing and peoples prosperity (Commonwealth Foundation, 1995). NGO’s have indirect and direct relationship in the content of poverty. This is because of the purposes of the NGO’s and their nature to fight against poverty. According to the president of the Egypt where he rgue that NGO’s have rendered a great efforts in poverty eradication not only in Egypt but also in sub Saharan nations, He further stated â€Å"There can be hope only for society which act as one big family and not as many separate one† ( Sadat 1981). NGO’s provides humanitarian aids example food during natural calamities all over the world, protects children and youth, conflict resolution, education, environmental, human rights, relief services (Wikipedia,2010).In the context of poverty an NGO, example World Vision a case of Moshono ADP, this organization has rendered great significant efforts in improving the living standard of Moshono people through the provision of clean and safe water, improve health situation, cars for orphans, Build classrooms and hospitals, this contributes a lot to poverty alleviation. (Moshono ADP). Standard of Living is a level of material comfort that an individual or group aspires to or may achieve.Standard of living is mea sured by various indicators, Example life expectance, access to nutrition foods, safe and clean water supply, and availability of medical assistances. (Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, 2000). 6. 2 Empirical Review According to Anup (2001) in his research on â€Å"poverty facts and stats on Global issues†22,000 children die each day die to poverty and they die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the concise of the world.Being weak and weak in life make this dying multitudes even more invisible in death. Around 27-28 percent of all children in developing countries are estimated to be underweight or stunned. The two regions that accounts for deficit are South Asia and Sub –Saharan African. If the current trends continue the millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) target having the proportional of underweight children will be mused by 30 million children. Largely because or low progress in Southern Asia and Sub-Saharan Af rica.According to Sachs(2005) ,UN project on the research â€Å"Ending African’s poverty trap†, The thirty three Sub- Saharan countries on which this study focuses had a combine population of 617 million in 2001 with the population heightened average annual income of $271 per person or a mere 74 percent a day. Every county in Sub-Saharan is a low income country according to world bank country classification, At least only four countries (Angola, Cameroon, and Congo) with income per capital $500 because their oil exporters and only cote d’ ivory which is currently vertiginous political nd economic crisis, is a non oil exporter. Sub-Sahara countries have a life expectancy at birth below 60 years and in all but Ghana. Madagascar and Sudan life expectancy at birth is below 55 years. Child mortality rates (Death before the age of five (5) per 1000 live births) are above in every Sub-Saharan countries. According to (Mbelle, 2003) in their research on poverty alleviati on (school enrollment performances and access to education in Tanzania) the decision to invest in education is guided by cost benefit consideration.At the Micro level the question whether education contributes to economic growth and how this contribution of physical capital becomes a paramount importance. Demand fof education by individual and household needs to be sustained at high level if access is to improve. This can be achieved through empowering individuals and households economically. Maintaining macro economic stability and perusing pro-poor expenditure are keys in reducing the general level of raising the level of demand for education at both individual and household level.The gap is identified on where the NGO’s operating in local communities found to face various problems that can possibly hinder their efficiency and effectiveness in supporting local development. It is doubtful, however other studies shows that the NGO’s have a lot to contributes in eradica ting poverty, in local communities. Basing on such theoretical contradiction makes the need to go through findings and analyzing the facts on the extent to which NGO’s have been supportive agent to the local are as development and eradicating poverty in the area they operates. CHAPTER THREE 7. Research methodology 7. 1 Research Design Is the logic that link the data to be collected (and the conclusion to be drawn) to the initial question of a study. Research design addresses the planning of scientific enquiry that is, designing a strategy for finding out something (Kothari, 2004). The descriptive study will be employed to portray accurate information since the research is concerned with issues related to social development studies. 2. Description of the Study Area. This study will be done in Arusha Region with a case study of Moshono ADP in Arumeru district council.The economic activities in Moshono ADP are mainly farming and livestock. This is the sample for the Non governme ntal Organizations in assessing their effectiveness in improving the living standard of the local communities in Tanzania. Therefore, From Moshono ADP enough information can be accumulated which will represent the whole population.. 7. 3 Data Collection The data will be collected by using different instrument/methods. There will be both primary and secondary data collection (document review) primary information shall be collected by using interviews, questionnaires and observations. 1. Type of Data.Both primary and secondary data will be collected from the field. Where by the primary data will be obtained from respondent directly though questionnaire and interviews as well as observation while Secondary data will be obtained from documents that contains relevant information about the study. 2. Sources of Data. Both primary and secondary data will be used as sources of data in this study. 7. 3. 2. 1 Primary Data These are new data which will be gathered to help solving the problem at hand the researcher will collect primary data from selected respondents from different groups in the entire community.Interviews, questionnaire and observation will be used to obtain primary data at Moshono ADP. 7. 3. 2. 2 Secondary Data These are data that has already existed some where; this involves reviewing of literature and documentation, document such as livelihood, gender, poverty, and social services journals and reports for the purpose of findings tangible information about the issues of living standard of local community in Tanzania and suggests possible solution for that problem. 3. Techniques of Data CollectionThe following techniques will be applied in this study 7. 3. 3. 1 Interview, This method will involve the prepared questions that a researcher administers through face to face interrogations with respondents. The researcher shall record all conversation in the interview. 7. 3. 3. 2 Questionnaire This popular method will be employed for data collection. Questionna ire will be open and closed. The researcher should use this tool to the key respondents like Moshono ADP Staffs, Community Leader and Community Member. 7. 3. 3. 3 ObservationThe resercher will use this technique of data collection. The researcher shall directly ask questions to the respondents and make physical observation of the environment. Through observation the researcher will be able to observe some of the causes, effects and measures taken by different stakeholders towards solving this problem in the study areas. 3. Sampling. Sampling is a part of statistical practice concerned with the selection of an unbiased or random subset of individual intended to yield some knowledge about population.Sample type which will be used is descriptive random sampling in order to give an equal chance to every selected sample element. Under this sampling both probability and non-probability method will be used. 1. Sampling Frame/Population Sampling frame is a list which consists of all sample units. Sample frame consist of a list of items from which sample is drown (Kothari. R, 2003) generally sample frame consist of name of respondents, total number of respondents and the sample size in percentage.Sample frame, therefore the total sample size will be 50 respondents from this units sample size will be (6) Moshono ADP staff, (2) WEOs (4) VEOs, (20) Community members (6) Teachers (6) Health worker (6) P/school student 2. Sample Size The sample will be drawn from 14 wards of Moshono division in which Moshono ADP operate the researcher select three ward randomly namely Moshono, Mlangarini and Bwawani. The sample size will be 50 respondents from different level on the community. The category and numbers of respondents who will be interviewed in this research is shown in the table 1, below. Table 1. Sample Size Distribution NO |CATEGORY |NUMBEROF RESPONDENTS |PARCENTAGES (%) | | |OF RESPONDENTS | | | |1 |WEOs |2 |4 | |2 |VEOs |4 |8 | |3 |Community Members |20 |40 | |4 |Teach ers |6 |12 | |5 |Health worker |6 |12 | |6 |ADP staff |6 |12 | |6 |P/School students |6 |12 | | |TOTAL |50 |100 | Source: Researcher’s own manipulation 7. 4. 3 Sampling TechniquesIn order to collect and acquire enough data and information from different respondents the researcher will use various techniques to capture enough information from the respondents. The researcher will use a purposive technique of sampling though random sampling technique. 5. Data Analysis Techniques The researcher will use the different techniques to analysis and manage the data such as quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques . Also the data will be presented by using of matrices, percentages, and flow diagrams. Reference: Anidah Maccahato (2001) Book in Research Relevance Poverty. )University of Mandanao. Chamber (1983) Rural Development Putting the last first, Longman Inc. New york Chronic Poverty Report (2005) [http://www. chronicpoverty. rg/page/vulnerability-cprc-s-work] Commonwealth f oundation (1995), Non Governmental Organization, Guidelines for Good policy and practice [www. peacecorpsvolonteers. org. com] Community Development Journal an Inter. Form VOL. 31 (2002) [www. undp. org] Davies, Thomas Richard (2007). The Possibilities of Transnational Activism: the Campaign for Disarmament between the Two World Wars. ISBN  978 9004162 58 7, [Http://enwikipedia. org/wiki/non-governmentorgarnization. au] Jude, Howell and Jenny Peace (2000) new roles and relevance; Develop NGO’s and the challenges. Kumarian Press Kothari C. R (2004), Research Methodology, Methods and techniques 2nd edition, New Age International publication. Moshono ADP, Annual Reports, 2006.NSRGP, (July, 2005)Growing out of poverty By Haki Kazi and Catalyst, Tanzania. Nepal National Development Report on poverty alleviation (2004) [www. nepal. gvt. nd] Research on poverty Alleviation. Amon Mbelle and Jovieter Katoboro (2003) [www. repoa. or. tz] Shah Anup(2001) Poverty Facts and Study on Glo bal Issues. UN, Human Development Report (2000) www. undp. org UN Project Research on Ending African Poverty Trap. Jeffrey . D. Sachs (2005) URT 2002, Tanzania Census Report World Bank Economic Review (2000). Volume 14, Number 3. World Bank Report on Poverty (1997) [www. wb. org] World vision (2004), Evaluation report of Moshono ADP [www. world vision. org]

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Suicide and Adolescent Psychology

Adolescent Psychology is a difficult specialty within the field. Many of the normal phases of adolescent development look like pathologies, and perhaps would be classified as such if the patients were adults. Thus, it is difficult, even for a trained professional, to tell the difference between a true pathology, and a â€Å"normal† mood or personality pattern associated with adolescent development.An area where this deficiency can lead to grave circumstances is the realm of adolescent depression and suicide. Although true suicidal tendencies can be difficult to spot in adolescent behavior, timely identification and proper treatment are important goals of Adolescent psychologists. Although causal theories differ, the treatment of teen suicide attempts and depression is fairly consistent across adolescent theorists.Typical symptomology of suicidal tendencies in adults has several features. (Symptoms†¦2007) The underlying psychological cause of such ideations is usually depr ession. (Symptoms†¦2007) Symptoms of depression include sleeping pattern disruptions, feelings of low self-worth, loss of interest in pleasurable activities and lack of energy.(Symptoms†¦2007) One of the key indicators that a depressed adult is contemplating suicide is self-report. (Symptoms†¦2007) Often, adults are not treated for suicidal depression until after they had made an attempt on their own life. (Symptoms†¦2007)   Treatment for long-term depression in adults typically consists of medication and extensive therapy. (Symptoms†¦2007)They type and length of therapy is contingent on many factors. (Symptoms†¦2007) These include the specialty of the therapist, the diagnosed underlying condition, and the severity of the depressive state. Similarly, the medical regime for adults with suicidal depression varies as a function of the underlying psychological cause for the depression. (Symptoms†¦2007)Typical depressive mood disorders are treated wit h anti-depressants, while personality or perception disorders, which can lead to a secondary depressive condition, are better treated with medication targeted to the underlying disorder. (Symptoms†¦2007)As complicated as the diagnosis and treatment of suicidal depression is in adults, it is even more so in the adolescent population. (Teen Suicide†¦2005)   Suicide is the third-most common cause of death among individuals between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four. (Teen Suicide†¦2005)  There are large gender differences in accounting for teen suicide, but they are explained more by the methods used, than any particular predilection toward the act. (Teen Suicide†¦2005)   83% of adolescent suicides are males, whereas females make more attempts at suicide.(Teen Suicide†¦2005)   The discrepancy can be explained by the fact that males are far more likely to use a gun in their attempts, while the method of choice for females is pills. (Teen Suicide†¦2 005)   Of the two, the chances for success are much higher among those who use a gun. (Teen Suicide†¦2005)  According to the National institute of Mental health, successful suicides among adolescents number about 8 in 100,000. (Teen Suicide†¦2005)     Attempts at suicide are estimated to be much higher. (Teen Suicide†¦2005)The National Youth Violence Prevention Resource center found that about one in five teens think about suicide, one in six have actually planned for it, and one in twelve had attempted suicide in the past year(Teen Suicide†¦2005)   . As is the case with adults, most (about 90%) of adolescent suicide victims have an underlying mental disorder. (Teen Suicide†¦2005)One moder theory of suicide in adolescence is espoused by Dr. David Elkind. He posits that there is a gap between physical and psychological development, which causes stress in the adolescent. (Elkind, 1998) Dr. Elkind theorizes that teenagers, who are often treated as adu lts at home and in schools, are not as complete in their psychological development as they are in their physical development.(Elkind, 1998) This results, opines Dr. Elkind in a stressful dissonance that can lead to suicidal ideation. (Elkind, 1998)   Additionally, exposing an adolescent to adult-type stressors, such as deadlines, appointments and specific goal-driven activities can cause stress. (Elkind, 1998)   This stress can lead to depression and suicide. (Elkind, 1998)On the other side of the coin, Dr. Elkind believes that over scheduling a young child may leave him or her bored when the structure surrounding the child disappears in their teen years. (Elkind, 1998) This subsequent lack of direction can also lead to depression. (Elkind, 1998)This theory suggests a preventative viewpoint on teen suicide. (Elkind, 1998)   Once an adolescent articulates a desire for suicide, or makes the attempt, Dr. Elkind recommends the standard psychological treatment, and medication, if w arranted. (Elkind, 1998)A more environmental viewpoint is espoused by Dr. Bronfenbrenner. (Paquette & Ryan, n.d.)   He views human development as an interaction between individuals and a system of bioecological systems. (Paquette & Ryan, n.d.) He views any psychopathology, including teen depression or suicide as a dysfunction whose development is engendered by deficiencies in the mesosystem (immediate social surroundings) of the individual.(Paquette & Ryan, n.d.) This approach to development does not lend itself particularly well to the treatment phase of suicide in adolescents, rather, it offers a socially-constructed theory for the phenomenon. (Paquette & Ryan, n.d.)Preventative â€Å"treatment† in this paradigm would consist of fostering a healthy, positive mesosystem around the individual, so that they might develop in a psychologically healthy manner. Again, one is forced to conclude that an already-depressed or suicidal teen would be best served by therapy and possibl e pharmaceutical remedies. (Paquette & Ryan, n.d.)A more cognitive approach to adolescent behavior is espoused by Dr. Robert Selman. (Selman’s†¦2002) His theories, which are derived from those of Piaget, rely on modeling and other cognitive methods to explain behavior. (Selman’s†¦2002)As such, he would explain the phenomenon of adolescent suicide as a response to a social context where such behavior is observed to have a positive outcome. (Selman’s†¦2002) Rarely would the cues be direct, but cultural stimuli such as music, television, and movies could inadvertently (or blatantly) glamorize the practice of suicide, and compel an adolescent, especially one who already suffers from depression or some other psychological ailment to attempt suicide. (Selman’s†¦2002)  Of these theories, the one whose suggested treatment appears to be most effective is Selman’s. Cognitive therapy has been found to decrease repeated suicide attempts b y 50%. (Asher, 2005) While this particular study focused on adults, there is little reason to think that the results would be demonstrably different with adolescents.(Asher, 2005) Interestingly, the same cannot be said of pharmaceutical treatment options. (DeNoon, 2002) It has been shown that teens who take antidepressants actually have an increased rate of suicide than those who do not. (DeNoon, 2002) Recent evidence suggests, however, that the same studies prove that the conclusion drawn from the data was erroneous, as the scientists failed to control for other variables such as severity of the depression, and other factors.(DeNoon, 2002)   Despite these conflicting findings, or perhaps because of them, a therapist should be cautious about â€Å"throwing drugs at the problem† and dismissing a patient with a prescription. (DeNoon, 2002)   In addition to the pitfalls of possible adverse effects of the drugs themselves, this kind of treatment is far more vulnerable to nega tive outcomes hinged on misdiagnosis.(DeNoon, 2002)   If a closely monitored patient is found to have another type of disorder, to which depression is merely a secondary characteristic, that therapist can make the appropriate pharmacological and therapeutic revisions. (DeNoon, 2002)   If, on the other hand, an underlying condition is missed, and the patient dismissed with antidepressants, the results could be tragic. (DeNoon, 2002)Owing to the nature of serotonin-stimulating drugs, which most antidepressants are, an effect of a non-depressed person taking this medication is the onset of severe depression. (DeNoon, 2002)   This would result in the therapist causing the very symptoms he or she is attempting to relieve. (DeNoon, 2002)The main commonality of all of these perspectives is the need to monitor closely the disposition of the patient. The only way to differentiate true depression from a phasic anomaly of normal adolescent development is to observe the behavior and respo nses over a long period of time.For example, behavior that might be characterized as bipolar, buts of high energy and enthusiasm contrasted with lethargy and depression may be the normal reaction to hormone development in an adolescent. Without context, it is almost impossible to tell the difference Thus, the best preventative measure would be to treat any suicidal ideation as a serious symptom and have a therapist interact for a long period with the adolescent. ReferencesAsher, J. (2005). â€Å"Cognitive Therapy Reduces Repeat Suicide Attempts by 50 Percent.† Retrieved October 28th, 2008 from The National Institutes of Health (NIH) website: http://www.nih.gov/news/pr/aug2005/nimh-02a.htm  DeNoon, D. (2002) â€Å"Teen Suicide, Antidepressant Link Questioned.† Retrieved October 28th, 2008 from WebMD website:http://www.webmd.com/depression/news/20041215/teen-suicide-antidepressant-link-questionedElkind, D. (1998) All Grown Up and No Place To Go. Peresus Publishing, Cam bridge, MA. Pp. 1-290.Paquette, D. & Ryan, J. (n.d.) â€Å"Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory.† Retrieved October 28th, 2008 from National-Louis University website:http://pt3.nl.edu/paquetteryanwebquest.pdfâ€Å"Selman's Five Stages of Perspective Taking,† (2002) Retrieved October 28th, 2008 from Everything-2 website:http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1275038â€Å"Symptoms of Depression†. (2007) retrieved October 28th, 2008 from Psychology 24Ãâ€"7 website:http://www.psychiatry24x7.com/bgdisplay.jhtml?itemname=depression_symptomsâ€Å"Teen Suicide Statistics.† (2005) retrieved October 28th, 2008 from Teen Depression website: http://www.teendepression.org/articles1.html

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Company Profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Company Profile - Essay Example Business Interaction / Communication in more than 100 different languages. 49,000+ individuals are employed worldwide by the Coca-Cola Company and its subsidiaries. In Britain the brand arrived in the year 1990 when the son of the founder, Charles Chandler brought the brand to England. The company today is extremely popular and surprisingly, "the word 'Coca-Cola' itself is even thought to be the second most widely understood word in the world after 'OK'!" (Coca Cola). The company is facing fierce competition with Pepsi Co. that is the other giant in the industry. Coca Cola is having a share of merely 50% in the Europe, the company is a market leader in Europe, however the company is rated 2nd in many parts of the world such as India. The company is having a wider product line and length that forced me to prepare the profile. The product line includes Coca Cola, Coca Cola Zero, Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Lilt, Dr. Pepper, Oasis, Kia-Ora, Schweppes, Five Alive, Minute Maid, Rose's, Spri t 3G, and Powerade. The company is having a concern about the health too, it is unusual to think about since the company is manufacturing a drink that many people view as unhealthy, nevertheless the company cares about people when it says, "You can enjoy 'Coca-Cola' and all of our other products as part of a healthy balanced diet and active lifestyle" (Your Health). It is also a healthy sign that Coca Cola has associated it self with various healthy activities such as Football. SWOT There are number of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats regarding Coca Cola. In UK, the strengths include, highest market share possessed by any soft drink company, the biggest product line and length, a strong focus on society's health as the company mentions clearly on their products, "'Big 8: energy, protein, carbohydrate, carbohydrate of which sugars, fat, saturated fat, fibre and sodium" (What our labels tell you). The customers are welcomed at anytime to inspect the company's internal environment, the company has mentioned the free number '0800 227711'. A strong focus on fulfilling social responsibility as the company has associated itself with many important events such as sports etc. The weaknesses are limited for Coca Cola, The company has not got the full penetration in the market, there are many gaps in the society. The company is focusing on brand extension rather than the penetration of current brands. Obesity is getting common is Britain and company is not taking the issue in account. The different sales headquarters are not interlinked directly and they are having problems in internal communications, "We are currently developing new communications programmes to improve employee engagement and to ensure that they all understand our business priorities" (Key challenges in Britain). The opportunities for Coca Cola are, the obesity is getting common in Britain, Coca Cola can target that segment specifically and make it aware of the may Diet Coke that can help people understand the benefits of such drinks. The company can then cater each segment individually, such as kids who prefer sports should be targeted through advertisements using powerade, when every segment would be targeted, the outcome could be very profitable, "developing new, and hopefully successful, products is vital and, as Band says: Coca-Cola also needs to get the mix of products correct; that is the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Delta Airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Delta Airlines - Essay Example The company survived the tough market conditions in the aftermath of 9/11 to become the top player in the industry. Delta Airlines has benefited from implementing innovative marketing strategies. The use of marketing alliances has enabled Delta to increase its travel destination offerings by 54%. A branding strategy allows a company to charge a premium price for its services while retaining a higher proportion of its customers. Branding strategy develop over time. Delta has been in the industry over 85 years. Delta has been able to increase the value of its brand by being a good corporate citizen. The company has great environmental record. The company hired ENSR, a leading environmental service provider to implement a recycling program in order to reduce the amount of waste generated in its flights (Lohas, 2007). The grand marketing strategy Delta is utilizing is a differentiation strategy. Differentiated marketing involves operating in several market segments and designing products or special service offering for each segment (Kotler, 2003). Two factors that enabled the company to differentiate itself from its competition are product variety and the quality of its service offerings. With the help of marketing alliances and partnerships the company is able offer its customer 572 different travel destinations. The company’s ability to enter into partnership agreements with other airlines allowed the enterprise to increase its target market. The marketing alliances at Delta have increased the scope of the companies market. The company’s customer profile includes both business travelers and people who travel in leisure trips. The markets the company targets are not limited to domestic travelers. The marketing alliances Delta established helped the company increase its presence in foreign marketplaces. Delta airlines utilizes a segmentation marketing strategy. The company uses its strategic alliance as tool to penetrate different

Thursday, September 26, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 47

History - Essay Example With his power, he ran a strict government that was the first in the form fortified behind the great wall china, which was built by his directive (â€Å"Qin Shi Huangdi: The First Emperor of China†). On the other hand, the leadership of Augustus used integration of power and authority to lead his subject. To conquer the world in his era, Augustus used power where he forced his subjects and conquered nations to fight in order to achieve peace. This was his doctrine, pax romana, that the only way to achieve peace was to assert his power upon the world through military victory (â€Å"Qin Shihuangdi, Caesar Augustus and Jesus†). However, the authoritative phase followed the creation of a new world order that was based on morality and military superiority. From this moral superiority stemmed from commitment to marriage and family thus, he coerced his subject through marriage laws to stamp out immorality (â€Å"Qin Shihuangdi, Caesar Augustus and Jesus†). Through this, both authority and power seem to work for the good of the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Compare and Contrast between Islamic and Conventional Banking Term Paper

Compare and Contrast between Islamic and Conventional Banking - Term Paper Example Yet, riba or interest is not precisely defined in the Quran at the time of its prohibition. The prohibition of interest is generally understood to refer to any increment over and above the principal. It represents the return on transactions involving exchange of money for money, or an addition, because of delay in payment, to the agreed price on sale debts/debts. From an Islamic point of view under some concept of fairness, there are two dimensions: the supplier of capital possesses a right to reward, but this reward should be commensurate with the risk and effort involved and should be determined by the return realized on the individual project for which funds are supplied (Abdi, 2010, p 80). One of the primary rationales espoused by Muslim scholars is that the existence of riba (interest) in the economy is a form of economic exploitation, which violates the core Islamic teaching of social justice. Therefore, the elimination of interest from the economic system would be more â€Å" fair† and ethically and morally more appropriate economic behavior. The prohibition of interest (riba) and permission of trade drive the financial activities in an economy towards asset-backed businesses and transactions. This implies that all financial transactions must be representative of real transactions for the sale of goods, services or benefits (Abdi, 2010, p 81). Interest-free loans (alternative for usury) Islamic financial institutions must not only focusing on maximizing profit, but they should also play a vital role in addressing socio-economic issues such as poverty reduction and improvements in important aspects of human welfare (like education, illiteracy, reducing child mortality, youth insecurity and...Generally, equity financing under non-Islamic finance, savers would provide funds to enterprises in return for a share in its prospective net returns as well as a share in its management. However, in contrast, profit sharing funding of projects under Islamic fin ance is not for the whole life of the financed enterprise, but for a shorter period, as in the case of providing working capital. Profit sharing finance may be provided with and without sharing in management, Linked with profit sharing is the notion of risk sharing. This is based on the principle of liability, which states that profit is justified based on one’s obligation to take a loss. This legal maxim is said to be derived from a saying of the Prophet Mohammed that â€Å"profit comes with liability† implying that Shari’a distinguishes lawful profit from all other forms of gain. One becomes entitled to profit only after one bears the liability, or risk, of loss. Tax in Islamic banking (Zakat) Zakat- This is the requirement to benefit society through the collection of alms, which is known as Zakat Benefits Zakat For society, fractional reserve system allows banks to act as intermediaries that facilitate the movement of funds from savers to investors in a society. There are also significant economies-of-scale in banks making investment and lending decisions, as they have access to knowledge and expertise which individual investors or lenders generally do not.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Judicial System of England and Wales Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Judicial System of England and Wales - Essay Example The constitutional law of UK consists of statute law and case law where court of judges apply judicial precedent by interpreting the statute.(www.ilex.org) The judicial system of England and Wales comprises only of 24.9% and 6.9% are from the minority ethnic groups. It is also reported that 15.8% of judges are women whereas 3.4% are from ethnic minorities group. (Adrian Jack, 2004) According to the data retrieved from General Bar Council for the year 2008, it is reported that there were 3772 female barristers out of 12,136 self employed bar comprising 31.1% of the total employment. Among women barristers, White Britons, Irish and other white people accounted to 2750 while there were 108 from Indian origin, 63 from Caribbean, 44 of Pakistan, 43 of African origin and remaining others were from other Asian countries. Black Minority Ethnic in the self employment category comprised of 10.6%.(The Bar Council) According to same source, it is known that 89% of the self employed barristers were white whereas 11% constituted the BME group which included 14% women barrister. Under the employed barrister council, 85% of the employees were white in respect of 15% of BME group. Totally there were 46% of women in employed barrister category whereas BME women constituted only 19% and men 12%. And according to the statistics published in Judiciary of England and Wales, it is reported that there are 3820 magistrates out of which 727 were women accounting to only 19.03% and 156 were from ethnic minority groups which constituted for another 4.08%. Ethnic minorities were largely found in Deputy District Judges (MC) with 12 magistrates out of 167 wherein women were 40 only. (www.judiciary.gov.uk) It is also revealed from the reports that out of total 3820 posts, 2970 were occupied by Whites out of which only 525 were occupied by women. In regard to ethnic minority groups, out of 156 posts occupied, 51 were women and 105 were men which can further clarified as 3% ethnics in males and 7% in females, overall constituting only 4% which is very low. (www.judiciary.gov.uk) The data published in the Judicial and Courts Statistics 2007 shows that the Justices of Peace (JPs) in UK in 1990 was 28,667 out of which 16,090 were men and 12,577 were women which increased to 29,419 in the year 2008 comprising of 14, 672 males and 14,747 female JPs. The data further shows that the appointment of women in the JPs has been significantly more than men from 1990 itself which stood at 1063 as compared to 996 for men out of 2059 appointments. The present data of 2008 stands at 1899 appointments overall out of which 972 women were appointed and the remaining were men. The statistics does not reveal the number of ethnic minorities appointed during this period.( Judicial and Court Statistics 2007) Out of total magistrates in post, 92.7% were Whites whereas Black and Asian constituted only 3.8% and 2.4% respectively. (www.judiciary.gov.uk) The above data speaks volume about the gender discrimination as well as racial discrimination if not taken into consideration the data of Ministry of Justice in regard to appointment of JPs. Need for certain changes - Judicial System Adrian Jack

Monday, September 23, 2019

Interpersonal Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Interpersonal Communications - Essay Example (Guffey, 2006; Bonnet, 2000) The incident that I am going to cite here is actually observed by one of my friends in his internship at a software house last summer. My friend was there at the business analysis department and the incident took place in the same department. The incident shows that how the poor listening can lead to negative consequences. It was Friday morning, the weekend was about to start in few hours and was a signal of relaxation after the week long tiresome efforts of business analysis. The last task for the week that Ms. Jenifer Mitchells, the supervisor of my friend, had to make the last visit of the day to New Star and Company for the purpose of requirement analysis for the decision support system the Soft Tech, the company to which Ms. Jenifer belonged, was developing. This project meant a lot to the Soft Tech because New Start Company was a very big client for them. This was the first time Soft Tech was given any information system development project by New Star and Company, an organization dealing in logistics. On that day my friend also accompanied her. My friend told that he got a feeling that on one hand Ms. Jenifer is a bit in hurry for one of his personal commitments few hours later (she herself told this to my friend) that's why she wanted to end the meeting soon. Moreover, Ms. Jenifer was a fresh graduate of a renowned technical university with the gold medal. This, according to my friend, made Ms. Jenifer a bit arrogant. After reaching there, the formal introduction and greeting was done. Then the discussion moved to the main point that was business requirements. Since the new system that was supposed to be designed was the decision support system that would help the strategic managers and decision makers in resource optimization and the supervisor of my friend Ms. Jenifer had done her final year project on decision support system that is why she was not at all interested in listening what the customers want, rather time and again she used to start telling about her project and pra ising about it, trying to let the clients know that she is a gold medalist. According to my friend, when the customers were telling to her about their requirements, she was repeatedly looking at her wrist watch, probably that was giving a gesture that she is running out of time. Moreover she was not noting down their requirements on paper as much. When the reason for it was asked by friend, she said that she had done such project earlier too, so now doing such project again is not an issue for her, thus she did not need to note each and everything down on paper. It was suggested by the person briefing to us that we should conduct interviews from people involved in decision making who would be using the system that they develop so as to have the better understanding of what they exactly want. Ms. Jenifer was not interested in even that too. Finally the meeting ended with all 'hearing' but no 'listening'. On Monday when Ms. Jenifer came to work again, she presented the meeting report to her manager. Her

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Womens career vs. marriage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Womens career vs. marriage - Research Paper Example It is possible to reduce the social gap between men and women, by creating an environment that makes it possible to pursue their careers. The traditional society had norms and cultures that discriminated against women (Walsh, 41). It defined their roles as house wives, with the capability of doing less paying jobs as cleaners, or even secretaries. This made this group of people to depend on their families, and marriage for social upward mobility. Career development also reduces the level of male domination over women. According to the traditional set up, women and men had different jobs. The responsibility of women was to care for the family, and look after their husbands. The responsibility of men was to feed the family, and provide protection. These roles have not changed, even though women progress in their careers. This is because it is deeply entrenched on the mindset of the two genders, and it would require a lot of time, and efforts to change this particular mindset. It is true, that in certain communities, men are frightened of career women. This is because they threaten their dominion, and authority (Walsh, 51). However it is advantageous for women to work, because they are able to supplement the earnings of their husbands, or the men in their lives. In all cases, financial freedom presents an opportunity to women to gain social freedom. They are able to care for themselves, they are able to resist abuse, and they have the capability of supporting their cause and visions of life. Despite the freedom that comes with financial security, men will still lay a claim over their lives, and try to influence them. However, career development leads to a better livelihood and shelter. It is wrong to assume that because of poor financial abilities of women, majority of them are homeless. This assumption is wrong, because the current global

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Impact of Texting On Society Essay Example for Free

Impact of Texting On Society Essay A majority of 57 % of teenagers said they view their cell phones as the key to their social life. 47 % of teens say their social lives would end or worsen if texting was no longer an option. The impact of texting even expands in the classroom as numerous amount of teachers nationwide are noticing texting lingo in papers that are handed into them. 64 % of students nationwide say they text in class at least once a week. 54 % of teens prefer texting instead of talking face-to-face or talking on the phone. Texting has become the biggest phenomena in the past decade. One-third of American teens today text over 100 times a day. Texting has even expanded to adults. But in contrast to its original purpose, texting has become a curse, hindering communication, attentiveness, social lives, and even academics. Due to this, texting has become a phenomena that has changed or hindered development and abilities of society negatively. Furthermore, with the increasing numbers of texting, the use of texting messaging has hampered people’s abilities to communicate effectively. LOL, OMG, and BTW are examples of the new texting â€Å"lingo†. Text messaging started its own â€Å"language† in which words and sentences are shortened to what they sound like instead of how they are really spelled. When 293 of teachers where surveyed, 193 of them said that students are carrying text message lingo in their class assignments ( Negative Aspects of Text Messaging 1). This means that many students are shortening their words and using ineffective grammar not only while they text but also when they do school assignments. Even though many teachers have found texting habits in papers being handed into them, some say that the main problem is the lack of depth the students work. Texting is very simple and with the rapid growth of texting student’s sentence are starting to become simpler and less descriptive. Likewise, texting has caused a lack of verbal communication skills on people. Studies have shown that text messaging is the number one form of communication the people prefer, including face-to face or verbal communication. Text messaging is simpler than verbal communication because there is no real depth in the conversation and the people that are communicating don’t have to be engage in the conversation. College engineering major Darko Marquez agrees with this by saying â€Å"The thing I love most about texting is that unlike the phone where you have to sit and concentrate into a long, boring conversation, you can multi-task and talk to as much people as you want†(Cesar Marquez 1). Darko is an example of people in society today lacking the ability to get emotionally attached in a verbal conversation. Psychologist Cecilia Holguin has studied effect of texting on communication skills and her studies have shown that texting does not have any emotional connection compared to verbal conversations, which attracts many young people to texting(Cesar Marquez 1). This means that texting is making society simpler and less emotionally attached while communicating. Furthermore, effective communication and grammar is vital for society to improve intellectually. But unfortunately, texting messaging is playing a key role in hampering society’s improvement in communication and grammar. Likewise, texting has not just affected communication but is also has changed the development of adolescence. Texting has been profoundly used by teenagers in America. Almost, if not all, teens in society text to one another. Teenager’s text everywhere and anytime they can. Teens text in class, at the dinner table, at parties, even if they are in the same room they text to one another. Texting has been hurting many teenagers grades because they text instead of studying or doing homework. A 13 year-old teen named Reina grades plummeted because she texts about 14,528 messages a month(Katie Hafner 1). Reina was so focused on texting that she would push her schoolwork to the side. But grades is not the only thing affecting teens. Sleep deprivation has been a problem because many teens stay up later to text friends. About 80% of teens that text late at night have problems with maintaining good sleeping habits. Sleep deprivation itself has negative side effects on adolescent’s health such as unintentional injuries, poor school performance, low grades, and an increase in mood disturbances(Teen Texting Taking a Toll: Lack of Sleep May Impact School Performance and Mood 1). Furthermore, if texting is causing sleep deprivation, than the health of adolescent’s and their performance academically is at stake. Likewise, the emotional development of adolescents is taking a toll due to the rapid growth of texting. Many teens keep in touch with their parents throughout the day due to instant contact of texting. Due to this many teens have an attachment problem. Sherry Turkle studies have shown that with the constant contact of student’s parents teens lack independence and the ability to make decisions of their own (Texting is not talking 1). This means that instead of teens maturing on their own, they are becoming more dependent. Teens are very important in society because they are our future. If texting is negatively affecting teen’s developments, than there is no future. Texting needs to be limited in order for adolescences to mature into independent, intellectual adults. In continuation, different types of relationships have also been affected by the rapid growth of text messaging. Family structure is important in society because how kids are taught at home resemble their actions in public. Families are important to give advice, love, and support. But texting has played a key role in decreasing the amount of time families spend together. Teens are always texting to their peers, which normally isolates themselves from the rest of their family. Even at dinner time, numerous amounts of parents have said they have caught their child texting while at the dinner table. But it is not just teens, parents do it as well. Some parents usually text excessively for work, making it hard to spend time with their children. A parent-child relationship cannot be strengthen when a child or a parent is texting excessively which makes it harder for children to lose crucial life skills(Michele Borba 1). In romantic relationships, texting is a key attribute in many relationships. April Jones says that texting is major in her relationship and that she texts her boyfriend 20 times a day at least(Jefferson Graham 1). This means that April and her boyfriend have instant contact with each other which means less space and privacy. In continuation, some couples even call it quits through texting instead of face-to-face or a phone call. In a survey, 30% of the people surveyed said they have been dumped through texting and another 24% say it is acceptable to dump someone via text( Jefferson Graham 1). This means that text has decreased the emotional aspect of relationships and breaking up. Peter Tollner had experienced a break up via text and that most of the communication had been through texting even though they work in the same office( Jefferson Graham 1.) This means that romantic relationships have shifted to texting instead of affectionate time spent together. Bonds and relationships are important and in order to maintain these bonds time must be spent with one another. But with the increase of texting, family relationships and romantic relationships have changed for the worst. Furthermore, texting has ultimately became a distraction for many people of all ages. In the classroom, many teachers have caught their students texting. Schools across the nation have banned the use of cell phones in the classroom. But students continue to use their cell phones to check up on their peers or even text someone in their classroom. According to studies by Professors Deborah Tindell and Robert Bohlander, 95% of students bring their cell phone to class and 91% text while in class(Audrey Watters College Students Admit To â€Å"Shocking† Text Messaging Habits in Class 1). Of course it varies from school to school and class to class, but the number of students using cell phones in class is steadily increasing. This increase in cell phone use in class distracts students from the lesson and contributes to poor performances academically. Furthermore, what is worst than distractions in the classroom is distraction on the road due to texting. The numbers of people that are dying due to texting while has increased over the years. People who text while driving put themselves and others lives in danger. Even thought many states have banned DWT or driving while texting, but a new survey shows that 26% stiil do it and 60% of the 24% are from ages 16-19(Robert Roy Britt 1). This means that lives, especially youth lives, are in danger. According to studies, 16,000 deaths have been caused from texting while driving in a course of six years, 2002-2007,(Stephanie Hanes 1). The addictive aspects of texting have affected people so much they do it everywhere and anywhere they can. People do it in classrooms, in restaurants, and even while driving. Texting has become a major distraction in the classroom and even on the road. In continuation, texting has become people, especially adolescence’s, social lives and without texting many people would not know what to do. 57 % of students feel that their cell phones are a key to their social lives and 47% of that 57% feel that their social lives will get worse if their cell phones were taking from them. To maintain a healthy social life people must gather and enjoy an activity or spend time with each other. But now some people feel as if their the main part of a social life is communicating by texting instead of gathering together. Dr. Martin Joffe surveyed teens and found out that many students text about a hundred times a day(Katie Hafner 1). This means that most of time that teens spend together is not actually with each other but texting one another. With the rapid increase of texting, a new form of harassment is being displayed through texting. 39% of high school students said that they have been bullied through text messaging(Text-message bullying b ecoming more common 1). This means that rumors and nasty things are being said about teenagers through texting. This can ruin someone’s social life and even crush someone’s self-esteem. Bullying has been around for years, but with instant communication of texting more things can be spread to more people faster than ever. Social life is key for adolescence development. Texting has changed social life by communicating in person to texting being a number one form of communication. Texting has become a curse that has hindered many aspects of society such as communication, attentiveness, teenagers, social lives, and relationships. Texting has become a huge phenomena that is changing how adolescence develop mature. With the increase of texting, people no longer have to put forth the effort to do things that are normally done in person. Texting has made people more dependent and it has worsen critical thinking. Therefore, texting has become a problem that has negatively affected the skills and abilit ies of society.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Marketing Analysis Of Air Asia Marketing Essay

A Marketing Analysis Of Air Asia Marketing Essay In order to make sure that the slogan of Now Everyone Can Fly, Airasia had launched Low Fare Campaign in order to attract the customers to fly with a low fare. The objectives of this campaign are to offer low fares to customer to travel and offer discounts to the public in order to encourage more people to fly with Airasia. Moreover, this will lead to new market entry of first-time user. (Thestar, 2007) 2.0 Airasia Market analysis 2.1 PESTEL analysis Political Factor Airasia airline had planned to build a new single-runway airport in Labu, Negeri Sembilan with the Sime Darby in 2009 and been approved by the government. However, the plan has been cancelled due to the Stated-owned Malaysia Airports had tried to stop to build the new terminal and disagreement with former Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir. (Flightglobal, 2009) Economic Factor In 2010, Malaysia Government had introduced one government policy which is 10 Malaysia Plan to the public in order to unleash the growth of economic. The Airport development is one of the plans as Malaysia Government expects the passengers amount will increase to 62 million in 2015. A new low cost terminal will be built by the in Kuala Lumpur International Airport for Airasia and has larger terminal. (Midfresearch, 2010) Social Cultural Factor Malaysia is the country which has 3 ethnics and the cultures are unique. Airasia believes that the communities are expecting that the airline can treat every ethnic equally. In order to do that, Airasia is practicing the meritocracy culture whereby the employees hired not based on the age and ethnic. (Airasia, 2009) Technological Factor Airasia has implemented information technology in running the operations of the airline to save the costs. The information technologies that implemented are yield management system and computer reservation system. The systems can help the airline to save the costs by recording on revenue and transactions in daily operations. (Management of Technology, 2009) Environmental Factor Airasia has invested in the latest technology and full utilization of the aircraft in protecting the environment and A320 airbus which is more efficient to operate and more save fuel is used. Airasia ticketless system and near paperless office are the strategies to cut down the waste of paper. (Airasia, 2009) Legal Factor In order to operate in Malaysia, Airasia must apply the Air Service License from the Malaysia Civil Aviation. The regulations such as Civil Aviation Act 1969 and Aviation Offences Act 1984 must be followed. (Airasia, 2004) 2.2 SWOT analysis Strength Analysis Low Cost Carrier business model is one of the strength of Airasia in order to compete in the airline industry. The second is Airasia has a very strong relationship with the government and the airline industry leaders. The third is well established of brand name in Asia Pacific. (Management of Technology, 2009) Weakness Analysis The Airasia main weakness is the airline more reliable on the out sourcing workforce. The other weaknesses are the service resource is limited and the airline is receiving many complaints on the no-refundable of the ticket canceled and the delay of flight. (Management of Technology, 2009) Opportunity Analysis The first opportunity is the ever-increasing oil price which enables Airasia to compete with other low cost airline. (Management of Technology, 2009). ASEAN Open Skies agreement that achieved which is allows Airasia to run unlimited flights among ASEANS regional is also an opportunity. (Wong, 2009) Threat Analysis The first threat is the services rates (airport departure, security charges) are controlled by the airline. The other threats are other entrance of low cost airline and the operation cost is increase due to the services that added. (Wong, 2009) 2.3Trend and Current Position 2.3.1 Airasia Trend In 2009, the low-cost carrier airline that established well had proved that has sufficient power to operate across the region in different market and economic. Airasia airline is the fast-growing and profit earning steadily airline which had increased the profit for the past. Airasia is also able to grow the market share in the Southeast Asia and had introduced the low-cost long-haul carrier whereby can offering the passenger cheaper fare. Airasia has started to have partnership with other low cost airline to reduce the airline operation costs such as ground-handling services. (Flightglobal, 2010) 2.3.2 Airasia and Competitors Current Position In Malaysia, the main competitor of Airasia is the Malaysia Airline System (MAS) which is Malaysias National Airline. In order to compete with Airasia, MAS had launched the first low cost airline which is Firefly. The airline is the test-bed in running low-cost operation. In March 2007, Malaysia Airline System had launched the first community and low cost airline which is Firefly to compete with other low cost airline. The Firefly airline is the test-bed of Malaysia Airline System in running the low-cost operation instead to test for new market segmentation and the Malaysia Airline System will adapt and expand it into national carrier if the operation of Firefly is proven success and gain stability. (Datamonitor, 2008). Due to the existing of new competitor, Airasia Malaysia has two competitors in Malaysia. However, the prices of airline ticket in Airasia is the main advantage and able to maintain current position as low-cost carrier. Particular Malaysia Airline Airasia Firefly Airfare Non RM15 RM130 Service Charge RM9 Non Non Surcharge RM76 RM47.50 RM51 Total RM85 RM62.50 RM181 (Prices Comparison for one person one way ticket to Pulau Langkawi during promotion) (Reference: Amdtaufik, 2008) 3.0 Objective 3.1 Corporate Objective The first objective of Airasia is to become the largest low cost airline organization in Asia by provide services to 3 billion people. Second objective is to attain with the lowest cost and lead to everyone can fly. The third objective is to maintain the product quality and reduce the costs. 3.2 Communication and Marketing Objectives The first communication objective of Airasia is to promote the organization, services and products through the effective communication program to the customers. The second objective is to make sure that there is a communication relationship between the Airasia and the customers and the relationship can be strengthen through the campaign awareness and brand reputation. The third objective is to expand the communication and media strategy in order to create brand or product awareness to the customers in order to achieve the organization goal. The last communication objective is to maintain the good relationship with the customers and keep updating customers with organization informations. (JobDB, 2011) 4.0 Marketing Communication Tool Low Fare Campaign 4.1Advertising In order to communicate with the target audience, Airasia is using advertising as a tool in introducing the products and services. One of the important advertising media that frequently used is the social media. The advantages of using social media are the internet enable the interactive capabilities, high selectivity by the users and the cost is low. In Airasia, the organization strongly agrees that social media is playing an important role in order for the organization to do advertising and build a consumer group that contributing trust to brand and value. Nowadays, the internet had made the people able to connect with the whole world people easily and more time is spending for online. By using social media, the messages of the products and services can be reaching out and able to share out the content of message effectively. Besides that, the social media is able to provide a channel of communication for the organization to run the activity such as low fare promotions, new product launching and news announcement. Moreover, the social media able to create a communication platform for the Airasia to connect with the people and enable the people to have more understanding on the organization. (Airasia,2009) Airasia had started the corporate blog (www.blog.airasia.com) in 2008 and Facebook (www.facebook.com/AirAsia) in 2009. The effectiveness and efficiencies of the social media enable Airasia to reach the number of fans and creating a strong relation community. For the community, they are able to get the latest information about the campaign that launched by Airasia through the social media. (Airasia, 2011) Another method of Airasia to run the advertising is using the Airspace advertising whereby the unique and effective way of advertising can be done to reach all the customers who take the flight. With the new approach of advertising and more cost saving, the messages can be reaching to large coverage of passengers.   This allows the messages of the campaign directly communicate with the passenger and can across effectively whether on the ground or in the sky. The advertisements of the campaign can be placed in the auto boarding pass, the information counter, sales office and on the passengers seats. (Airasia, 2010) Besides that, Airasia use newspaper as advertising media. By using the newspaper, the messages of the campaign can be more flexible to access to the different coverage of markets and the target audiences are different. The newspaper medias that used by Airasia in Malaysia are Star, Sin Chew Daily, China Press, Berita Harian and others. (Lee and Johnson, 2005) 4.2 Direct marketing Direct marketing is an interactive system that can helps the organization to personalized communications between them and the customers. With the help of computer and internet development nowadays, the organization is able to run two way communications for their products and services. (Lee and Johnson, 2005) In order to increase the awareness of the organization to the customers, Airasia is using direct marketing in order to encourage the interactions between organizations and allow users to be more understanding on the brand. One of the direct marketing tool that used by Airasia is the Yahoo Mobile. Airasia is promoting and sending the messages to the customers by using other website. Airasia has corporate with Yahoo Mobile whereby the organization allows Airasia mobile website to put the banner advertisement on the Yahoo mobile homepage, yahoo mail and yahoo search. The mobile users just need to access to the Yahoo Mobile and click to the Airasia banner, the link will automatically connect to the Airasia Website. By this, the customers can book the flight tickets, checking the ticket booking status and access to the promoting campaign. These services and information assessment through mobile technology has lead to the increasing in awareness of the organization and campaign promotion. Moreover, this direct marketing method had lead to the good responses from the users whereby the total click to the website is 108,405 clicks and the rate is 1.78 percent after 28days launching. (Mobilemarketer, 2009) 4.3 Public Relation There are many activities that can be carried by the public relation in order to communicate to the related party. In Airasia, one of the activities that carried out by the Public Relation is the Corporate Social Responsibility. The features in this concept are the organization shares the values and joyfulness in with the related parties. Airasia is celebrating the times of joy with the communities, practicing the communities value and traditions and delivering cares to them. There are few area that focused by the Airasia in caring out this activity. The first area is the organization work place. Airasia is practicing the meritocracy culture and the employees are hired due to their performance and ability. The elements like gender, creed, age and ethic are not considered in the hiring process. By practicing the meritocracy culture, Airasia believe that they can strive to exceed the communitys high expectation and provides equally treatment to all the communities. The second area that focused is helping the communities to pass the hard time. There was an earthquake happened in 2009 and had shocked many communities in Indonesia. At that moment, the Airasia decided to lend a hand and running the charity flight to help the victims to go out from that place. Moreover, the Airasia in Malaysia is also helping out in providing the cargo space to deliver the goods for the victims. Airasia always help the victims of disaster and providing joyfulness and hope to them. The last area that focused is minimizing the environment impact in creating greener environment. The first thing Airasia do is promoting the recycle concept to the work place environment and encourage paperless system office to be run. Moreover, self service check-in options is encouraged by the organization in order to helps in reduce the need for expensive airport infrastructure. The efficient and simple ground environment is the main policy in protecting the environment. (Airasia, 2009) 5.0 Airasia Marketing Strategies 5.1 Pull and Profile Strategy Airasia is using the Pull Strategy to deliver the low fare campaign information directly to the end-user customers. The purposes of the messages delivered are to increase the campaign awareness, encourage the customers involvement and to influence the customer perception. By these, the customer behavior and perception may be changed and lead to the purchasing of the products. Moreover, Airasia use this strategy to encourage and attract the customers to purchase airline through the website channel. For Airasia to complete and deliver the pull strategy, the method that use can be deliver the message through the social media or website by offering the low fare promotion to the customers. (Fill , 2006) Airasia is using the Profile Strategy which is using different messages in target all the stakeholders that related. The stakeholders of Airasia are customers, employees, regulators and the local communities. This strategy is including the pull selling which is requires high promoting to attract the customers and push strategy which is forces from the organization to increase the customer demand. By using this strategy through different marketing communication tools to deliver different message, Airasia is able to build up the awareness of the low fare campaign and the perception of communities toward the campaign. (Fill , 2006) 5.2 Unique Selling Propositions In order to be unique selling proposition, the strategy that used by Airasia is low cost carrier and has come out the vision of in becoming the largest low cost airline in Asia and makes the dream of average income people to fly happens. The slogan that implement for the strategy is Now Everyone Can Fly whereby the tickets prices are lower. To become differently from others airline, Airasia has implementing few strategies in order to make sure that the low fare model is possible to run. The first strategy that Airasia apply is the Safety First strategy on the maintenance of the airplane. The organization is follow the others world airline operation safety strategy and partnering with the worlds recognize repairing and maintenance manufacturer. The second strategy is the High Aircraft Utilization where the Airasia implementing the fastest turnover time in make sure the cost can be lower and productivity is high.   The third strategy is low fare and no frill whereby providing the services without promises on the quality. The last strategy is providing more different distribution channels such as Airasia Mobile and booking website for the customers to check the booking and the flight schedule informations. (Airasia, 2010) 6.0 Airasia Communication Campaign Cost Outline Cost 2008 2009 Revenue RM 2,81,526,000 RM3,072,049,000 Marketing Communication Campaign Cost (Avdertising, Direct Maketing and Public Relation) RM 5,630,520 RM 61440980 (Reference: Airasia, 2009) Airasia is using 2% of the yearly avenue to invest in the marketing communication campaign in order to create awareness of products and services among the communities. (Low, 2010) The costs that spend for 2008 are RM 5,630,520 and RM 61440980 for 2009. 7.0 Methods of measuring the effectiveness of the marketing communication There are few methods that Airasia can use to measure the effectiveness of the marketing communication in the Zero Fare Campaign. The first method is the Pre-Testing whereby the marketing communication concept, targeting group and behaviour are pre-test before the launching of campaign. This test can be done by the qualitative and quantitative method which is giving out survey forms and collect opinions. The second method is Post-Testing whereby the effectiveness of marketing communication is evaluated after the campaign launching. Airasia can use the behavioural test to measures the responses and perception of consumer on the marketing communication after Zero Fare campaign was launched. Moreover, Airasia can also use the sales test which is the measures on the sales and then will get result on the marketing communication effectiveness. The third method is Tracking Studies which is the study is involves the collection data of the consumer perception toward the campaign. Airasia can use the interview method to collect the data of consumer perception on the marketing communication of the campaign and what message that gets from the campaign. By this, the organization is able to more understand on the consumer perception and a good record for future marketing communication plan. The fourth method is Likeability test which is testing the level of consumer enjoyment on the marketing communication of the campaign. The result will lead to the sales result and the consumer satisfaction result. (Fill, 2006) Total word count: 2986 words

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Grisham Essay -- essays research papers

John Grisham once said of his own writing, â€Å"I write grab readers. This isn’t serious literature.† (John Grisham CLC, 189) Serious literature or not, Grisham has written nine best-selling novels, many of which were also made into very successful movies. Before starting to write professionally, Grisham was a lawyer in Southhaven, Mississippi, which has provided him with plentiful ideas for legal storylines. In many of his novels, Grisham has on ongoing link of novice lawyers who uncover and overcome flaws in the legal system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Influences during Grisham’s childhood and adult life have helped to shape his writing career. His family moved around a great deal during his childhood. Eventually, they settled in Southaven, Mississippi. (Brandstrom, 2) Grisham was an athlete in high school and decided he was going to play either professional football or baseball. After high school, he went to Northwest Junior College to play baseball. After one year, he transferred to Delta State for more baseball opportunities. While at Delta State, his grades suffered and he decided he wasn’t ment to be a baseball player. In 1975 Grisham transferred again to Mississippi State University as and accounting major. (2) While at MSU, he started writing two books, neither of which was finished. (3) In 1977, Grisham received an undergraduate degree in accounting from MSU. He then went to the University of Mississippi and received his law degree in 1981. Grisham went back to Southaven in 1982 and establi shed his first law firm. One year later, he was elected to the Mississippi House of Representatives.(1) He now had he time to start a new book, which he finished in 1985. He called it Deathknell, but the publisher changed to name to A Time to Kill. The book published a mere five thousand copies during the first print. Grisham immediately went to work on his second book called The Firm. This hugely successful started Grisham on his new profession as an author. He moved to Oxford and has been writing one book per year ever since. Grisham’s courtroom skills never suffered and in 1996 he took time off from writing to return to the place where his career began, the courtroom. This was to fulfill a promise he made to the family of a railroad man killed at work. He prepared the case with the same passion as the characters he writes about and won the biggest verdict of h... ... haunt him. Brock learns that Hardy had been in and out of homeless shelters most of his life, but he had recently begun paying rent in a rundown building; that means he has legal recourse when a big money-making outfit such as Sweeny & Drake boots him with no warning. When Brock realizes that his profession caters to the morally challenged, he sets out on an aimless search through the rougher side of D.C., ending up at the 14th Street Legal Clinic. The clinic's director, a large man named Mordecai Green, woos Brock to the clinic with a $90,000 cut in pay and the chance to redeem his soul. Brock takes it--and some of the story's credibility along with it; it's hard to believe that a Yale graduate who sacrificed everything--including his marriage--to succeed in the legal profession would quickly jump at the opportunity for low-paying, charitable work.(56-90) Brock settles the dispute of the wrongly evicted squatters and thus solves a problem within the legal system. Now, it may se em as though Michael Brock is not a novice lawyer. In reality, he is not novice to law, but he is very much a novice to street law. Although this is a new twist, Grisham’s link continued in this story.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Germany and its Economy Essay -- Economics

Germany and its Economy Known as the "fair" capital, Germany lies in the center of Europe and in the center of the European home market. Approximately two thirds of the top international fairs take place in Germany. Germany is successful. A leader in world trade, Germany is the third largest economy in the world and the biggest market in Europe. It wasn't always this way though; European power struggles wounded the country in two devastating World Wars in the first half of the 20th century and left the country dominated by the victorious Allied powers of the US, UK, France, and the Soviet Union in 1945. Germany has been through all of the phases of the business cycle many times. It even suffered immense depression after World War One in the early 20th century. The Treaty of Versailles dug a deep hole in Germany's economy because the Allies had gotten a little greedy with their revenge. Payments made by Germany to the Allies represented a drain of capital that would have otherwise been directed toward the growth of German industry. In order to pay its debts for World War I, Germany engaged in a huge "hyperinflation" of its currency, printing paper marks until, in 1923, when they became worthless. The destruction of the currency wiped out the people's savings, which meant that there would be very little capital available within the German economy for years to come. With Adolf Hitler rising to power in 1933, the German economy became increasingly socialized and militarized, passing through recovery to prosperity, which scared their foreign investors and made a healthy economic recovery nonexistent. Germany is referred to as a "social" market economy and remains a key member of Europe's economic, polit... ...Germany is doing well other than a few scarcities. Because they are the third leading economy in the world, they rank up there with the U.S.and France. Germany has a few shortages in labor and energy, but overall they succeed in exports and GDP growth. Germany is an economy not much different than our own. Besides both being defined as market economies, Germany and the U.S. also share the same periods of business cycle changes. They both experienced the Great Depression in the 1920's and '30s and are even witnessing a recession now. I would agree that an economy is just like a business. An economy goes through the same downfalls and good times just like a business, an economy experiences depressions, recessions, recoveries and prosperities and the goal of an economy is to have a surplus of money while supplying its citizens with needed goods and services.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Malaria Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Malaria There are a great number of diseases that are endemic in many of the poorer, developing nations due to the lack of sanitation and disease prevention programs in these areas. The steady increase of malaria epidemics in many of the African countries is a point of great concern, because this continent is home to 90% of the world’s total cases of this particular disease. Malaria gets its name from â€Å"mal aria,† meaning bad air, because patients used to blame the sudden illness on the poor air quality of the nearby swamps. Scientists now know that malaria is a parasitic infection caused by a single-celled protozoan, Plasmodium. Of the four types of this parasite, Plasmodium falciparum is recognized as the most dangerous and lethal string that infects human beings. The female Anopheles mosquito transmits the disease through its saliva, and the protozoan enters the bloodstream and is carried to the liver. The indications of the illness can appear within a week of the exposure or it can take up to a year for the effects to become noticeable. Malaria has many flu-like symptoms, such as headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, sweating, tiredness, and general muscle pain. These characteristics are attributed to many forms of illness, which can prove difficult in the diagnosis of this serious disease early enough for effective treatmen t. The treatment of malaria is commonly administered in the form of a DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) antibiotic. This drug works to eliminate the parasite from the patients blood stream and, therefore, limit the chance of communicating the disease and infecting other people. The drug also significantly reduces the frequency of severity of the patient’s symptoms... ...d Pestilence: From Ancient Times to the Present, Rev. Ed. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 2001. This article was an updated history of African malaria outbreaks and the specific causes of and reactions to these epidemics. â€Å"Malaria.† CDC Division of Parasitic Diseases Information. 3 Mar. 2002. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 5 Oct. 2002 . This site gave important information about precautions that travelers should take before going to high-risk areas of the world. â€Å"Malaria Facts.† NIAID Quickfacts Page. 17 Sept. 2002. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH. 6 Oct. 2002 . This NIH site provides an in-depth look at the infection/spread of malaria with multiple links for additional information.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Critical Lens Essay

  Fyodor Dostrevsky said, â€Å"Fear is simply the consequence of every lie.† This quote means that you aren’t afraid of the action you made but you’re scared of the action that are going to be made toward you as a punishment. This quote agreeable because a lot of the time when a person lies there thinking right then an there, the fear of what’s going to happen to you when the truth comes out is what punishes you the most not the actual consequence it’s self. Fyodor Dostrevskys quote is evident in All-night Part by R.L.Stine and The Crucible by Arthur Miller because in each wok of literature they all have to face the consequences of lying and the fear of their punishment. Through Abigail in The Crucible by Arthur Miller she can relate to the quote because she feared what would happen to her if she told Bettys father Reverend Parris what really happened in the woods. So to save her self from the trouble that would lie ahead for her if she did tell the truth she blamed everything on Tituba. This is evident to the conflict man vs. society because she felt the need to lie to save her self from getting into whatever punishment the town of Salem would set for her which would be something along the lines of being whipped or stoned. This relates to the critical lens because it shows what happens when you fear the consequences of the lie more then the actual lie its self. In All-night party by R.L.Stine the lie that was told from Patrick when he tells his group of friends was that the cut on his hand was really from the broken window. Patrick can relate to the critical lens because he feared the consequences of his lie which would be him going to jail for killing Cindy. This is similar to the conflict person vs. person because there was a problem between Patrick and Cindy that ended with Patrick killing her. In the end he confesses to his wrongdoing and was put into jail. Fyodor Dostrevsky said, â€Å"Fear is simply the consequence of every lie† I found this quote agreeable because in The Crucible you see what someone would do just to not face there punishment due to lying which would be person vs. society. All-night party shows an example what happens when you lie and then tell the truth, which would be p erson vs. person. Each work of literature has its own sense of conflict. The Crucibles conflict was Abigail lying about what Betty, Tituba and herself did in the woods. That she blamed on Tituba. In All-night party they deal with the death of their best friend.

Is418 Lab8

IS 418 LAB 8 1. Explain the following command: rpm –qf/bin/ls -RPM command is used for installing, uninstalling, upgrading, querying, listing, and checking RPM packages on your Linux system. 2. Discuss the purpose of a software repository as it relates to YUM. -The yum system does not require any routine maintenance. It is useful to disable or remove repository definitions that are no longer required, as each repository that is defined and enabled is checked for every operation. You may also wish to periodically remove files relating to unwanted packages, in order to save disk space 3.How can one ensure a download tar ball is legitimate and hasn’t been tampered with? -Run a checksum test 4. List and explain at least 3 switches available with the tar command that can be useful in extracting and installing a tarball -ark 5. List and explain at least 3 switches associated with the rpm command that can be leveraged to verify, list and install rpm packages? tar zxvf makefile . tar. gz cd make file ./install/ 6. What security countermeasure can you enable to verify the integrity of download application or tar balls before you perform the installation? -used Ark to extract the tar ball . Explain what hashing is and how does this differ from encryption? -Hashing is just line of code and it not encrypted 8. If you wanted to know which package a certain program belonged to, what command would you run? -tar xvzf PACKAGENAME. tar. gz 9. Once you have downloaded an RPM package, what command would you run if you want to extract the files to a directory of your choice -tar xzvf file. tar. gz 10. Where would you find checksum hashes for all install program in a Fedora Core Linux Server? -Verification code called a hash computed from the original ISO files.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Dominoes vs. Pizza Hut Essay

The Indian domestic pizza market is growing rapidly with number of foreign brands entering into the sector to seek business opportunities. In the current scenario, Indian consumers are increasingly shifting towards varieties of Pizza offered by the well-known brands. Further, huge untapped potential in rural and semi-urban areas, quick investment recovery, simple equipment and small investment to open a pizza outlet also contributes to the development of domestic pizza industry in India. Thus, the domestic pizza market in India is estimated to grow with a CAGR of around 26% during 2011-2014. The two main contenders in this highly competitive market segment is Domino’s and Pizza Hut. Until 1996, Pizza in India was synonymous only a bready dough base slathered with some ketchup. Since 1996, there was a proliferation of ‘high-priced branded’ pizzas in the market, with the entry of international pizza chains. Domino’s and Pizza Hut, the two big US fast food chains entered India in 1996. Each claimed it had the original recipe as the Italians first wrote it and was trying desperately to create brand loyalty. Domino’s and Pizza Hut – tried to grab as large a slice of the pizza pie as possible. Domino’s and Pizza Hut expanded their market ever since they entered India. Domino’s had grown from one outlet in 1996, to over 500 outlets in April 2012. Pizza Hut too, which began with just a single outlet in 1996 has over 200 outlets in 2012. Domino’s entered India in 1996 through a franchise agreement with Vam Bhartia Corp. 3 The first outlet was opened in Delhi. With the overwhelming success of the first outlet, the company opened another outlet in Delhi. By 2000, Domino’s had a presence in all the major cities and towns in India. Pizza Hut entered India in June 1996 with its first outlet in Delhi. Positioning to customer needs. When Domino’s entered the Indian market, the concept of home delivery was still in its nascent stages. It existed only in some major cities and was restricted to delivery by the friendly neighbourhood fast food outlets. Eating out at ‘branded’ restaurants was more prevalent. To penetrate the Indian market, Domino’s introduced an integrated home delivery system from a network of company outlets within 30 minutes of the order being placed. However, Domino’s was not the trendsetter so far as home delivery was concerned. Delhi based fast food chain; Nirula’s was the first to start free home delivery in 1994. But where Domino’s stole the market was its efficient delivery record. GouthamAdvani, Chief of Marketing, Domino’s Pizza India, said, â€Å"What really worked its way into the Indian mind set was the promised thirty minute delivery. † Domino’s also offered compensation: Rs. 30/- off the price tag, if there was a delay in delivery. For the first 4 years in India, Domino’s concentrated on its ‘Delivery’ act. For its delivery promise to work, Domino’s followed an 11-minute schedule: one minute for taking down the order, one minute for Pizza-making, six minutes oven-time, and three minutes for packing, sealing and exit. Pizza Hut, on the other hand, laid more emphasis on its â€Å"restaurant dining experience. † It positioned itself as a family restaurant and also concentrated on wooing kids. Its delivery service was not time-bound. A company official said, â€Å"The Pizza making process takes about 20 minutes and since we don’t usually deliver to places which are beyond the reachable-in-half-an-hour distance, customers can expect home delivery within 45 minutes. † Moreover, analysts felt that Pizza was something that just was not meant to be delivered. Said Vivek Sure, Projects Manager, Pizza Express, â€Å"If you don’t eat pizza fresh, it turns cold and soggy. † However, Domino’s seemed to have overcome this problem through its delivery pack called ‘Domino’s Heatwave. Localizing the Menu Since its entry into India, Domino’s introduced nine new toppings for Pizzas to cater to the local tastes. Different flavours were introduced in different parts of India. Advani said, â€Å"The Indian palate is very definitive – people are extremely finicky and choosy, not too willing to experiment. Food tastes vary from region to region. To capture the market, we had to localize flavours. † Thus, Deluxe Chicken with Mustard Sauce’ and Sardines were confined to the East, Mutton Ghongura and Chicken Chettinad to the South and Chicken Pudina to Mumbai. Butter chicken, MakhaniPaneer and the ChatpataChana Masala were confined to the North. Very soon, Pizza Hut followed Domino’s and offered customized Spicy Paneer and Chicken Tikka toppings. Apart from this, it also opened a 100% vegetarian restaurant at Ahmedabad, a one-of-its-kind worldwide. The restaurant also offered a special Jain menu, which did not have a single root-based ingredient to fit in with the food habits of Jains. Another city-specific adaptation of its menu by Pizza Hut was the restaurant in Hyderabad, (Andhra Pradesh) which offered Halal meat and chicken only with no beef and pork products in the menu. MARKETING MIX 1. PRODUCTS PIZZA HUT a. Product differentiation: Worldwide and in India pizza hut has come to become synonymous with the â€Å"best pizza’s under one roof†. this is because at pizza hut the belief is that every pizza has its own magic thus making it a destination product which everyone seeks. It is this belief that has ignited the passion to create , innovate and serve the finest product the industry has to offer while setting standards for others to strive to replicate. Pizza hut is committed to providing uncompromising product quality, offering customers the highest value for money and giving service that is warm, friendly and personal. A critical factor in pizza hut’s success has been its unique dining experience. Crew members at pizza hut strive each day to provide ‘customer mania’ the kind of service that ensures that every visit of the customer is a memorable one. b. Pizza Features: Pizza hut has many unique features of their product due to which it attracts the customers. The product is classified into non-durable goods as it is a food item. Pizza hut differentiates itself with its competitors with respect to their wide range of offerings (menu items) one can find besides pizzas, range of pasta’s appetizers, cakes deserts etc. There are a large number of items to choose from. Some of the items are: * Pizza’s * Pasta and salads * Appetizers * Deserts * Beverages c. Mass Customisation: The main advantage of customisation is that one can customize his/her own pizza by selecting the bread and loading it with his/her choice of toppings. This creates variety in the customers mind and thus one can enjoy whatever he/she can imagine pizza hut can offer. The most unique feature is that there is ‘pan 4 all’ scheme where one can select 4 different types of vegetarian/no-vegetarian combination of pizza. This is a unique way of offering as there are many customers who come in groups where someone in the group may have different preferences. d. Conformance quality Pizza Hut products have high conformance quality all the products produced are identical and meet the promised specifications. e. Style Pizza is delivered in hot pans and served in style. The toppings are also dressed in a good fashion thus having ‘food in style ‘defines pizza hut experience. f. Service Differentiation * Dining: Once one enters a restaurant immediately the attendants initiates the ordering process by providing the menu. All associates are well trained in English and can take order from any type of customer. Pizza hut’s style of delivering the pizza is quite an experience. The restaurant is aesthetically designed. All the staff members are uniquely dressed, managers dressed specially. Also the tables and menus are all placed in a good manner. All orders placed are served within 15-20 minutes. * Delivery and takeaway:They have the concept of hot-dot in case of delivery, which means that the package is guaranteed to be delivered hot. There is a dot on the cardboard box that serves as a checking point as to whether the hot-dot status has been met or not. Also they place a tripod on top of the pizza at the centre so that the ceiling does not touch the toppings. DOMINOS a. Product Differentiation Domino’s pizza India has maintained its position in the market with its constant product innovation and maintenance of stringent service standards. More importantly it has established a reputation for being a home delivery specialist capable of delivering it’s pizza’s within 30 minutes to its community of loyal customers from its entire chain of stores around the country. As the name suggests ‘the pizza delivery experts’ customers can order their pizza’s by calling their hotline. Domino’s believes strongly in the strategy of ‘ think local and act regional’ . Thus time and again Domino’s has been innovating toppings suitable to the taste buds of the local population and these have been very well accepted by the Indian market. Also they have their promotional campaign ‘ hungry kya ? ’ which means call up Domino’s at any time of the day 24/7 whenever you are hungry and have the food in 30 minutes. b. Pizza Features. Dominos has many unique features of its product due to which it attracts its customers. The product is classified into non-durable goods as it is a food item pizza hut differentiates itself with its competitors with respect to their wide range of offerings (menu items) one can find besides pizzas , range of pasta’s appetizers, cakes deserts etc. There are a large number of items to choose from. The ‘chicken wings’ item has specially struck a chord with a lot of customers as such a kind of item is not available at any other pizza outlet. * Veg pizza * Non Veg pizza * Veg II pizza. * Non Veg II * Garlic breadsticks * Soft drinks (600 ml) * Chicken Wings * Choco Lava Cake * Butterscotch Mousse Cake c. Mass customisation The main advantage of customisation is that one can customize his/her own pizza by selecting the bread and loading it with his/her choice of toppings. This creates variety in the customers mind and thus one can enjoy whatever he/she can imagine domino’s can offer. The most unique feature is that ‘single slice pizza’ scheme where one can select any veg/non-veg pizza at a lower cost. This is a unique way of offering as there are many consumers e.g. Student segment who cannot always afford the premium price. d. Conformance quality Domino’s products have high conformance quality all the products produced are identical and meet the promised specifications. e. Style Pizza is delivered in paper boxes and served in style. The toppings are also dressed in a good fashion thus having quick service justifies the domino’s tagline. f. Service Differentiation * Dining: Though domino’s is mainly concerned with takeaway and home-delivery, to suit the Indian market it allows dine-in facilities as well. One can enter the restaurant and immediately place their order at the service kiosk and they would be provided with a token number and there is a led screen with indicated which order is ready for service. It’s mainly a self-help facility. Also pizzas are delivered in same cardboard boxes as in case of delivery, no such differentiation is there which is in stark contrast to that of the dine-in experience that customers enjoy at the more expensive pizza hut restaurants. * Home Delivery: Home delivery facilities in Domino’s are world renowned and super-efficient. The persons attending the customer calls are helpful in selecting the best economical orders as well. Also the delivery system is very efficient and very rarely has anyone complained about quality of delivery times. Also it is open 24/7 and this standard is maintained throughout India regardless of the livings standards of that place. 2. PLACE It is very important to decide where the marketer can deliver the value to the customer. This is done through effective marketing channels that make the product available to the consumer. India in 1996, with its first outlet in Delhi, has grown into over 101 outlets spread across 24 cities. In India, the majority of Domino’s outlets are delivery-based with only about 25% of the outlets being both delivery and â€Å"sit-down†. This is quite different from other retail food chains. Pizza Hut made its foray in India with a dine-in restaurant in Bangalore in June 1996. Starting with six restaurants in its first year, Pizza Hut has expanded to 73 restaurants in 19 cities and plans to scale up to 100 restaurants by end-2004 * At presentDomino’s has149 locations across India and (8,500). Worldwide * Dominos projection call for 500 stores by 2010 * The company has tied up with the Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) to set up pizza outlets in the latter’s petrol bunks and in the process save on real estate costs * The pizza chain will open such drive-in-drive-out outlets in around 100 IOC petrol stations in 16 different cities. It intends to invest around Rs. 40 crore to expand its network. Pizza Hut has 134 locations across India (and 13,000 worldwide); * Pizza hut projections call for 300 stores by 2012. † 3. PRICE. In India dominos is trying to attract not only the upper but also the lower and middle class people. So, it has a more widespread network of outlets even in suburban areas, whereas pizza hut is only present in major cities. These targeted customers are interested to spend on pizza but at a low price. They are eager to go for outing in any festival and as a cheap family restaurant dominoes will be most preferable. They do not need high class ambience or amusement in the restaurant So the establishment cost is low for the dealers and the price of the pizza is very reasonable for the customer. Company Price Range (Rs) Domino’s 39-265 Pizza Hut 75-350 Some of Dominos’ very successful pricing campaigns are * Fun meals for 4 @ 180 * Pizza mania @ 39 * Non-veg singles/doubles at 69/120 However pizza hut is not too far behind in targeting the lower income groups. The weekday meal @99 has been a major hit all over India attracting office goers and teenage students alike. However the main target segment for pizza hut is the rich and higher middle class people. They are offering an organised restaurant system with great ambience and for these demanding a higher price for pizzas. 4. PROMOTION DOMINO’S * Dominospizzas have decided to focus on the take-away market. * To give value to the customer Dominos came up with Rs 50 pizza * Dominos gave away a lot of free pizzas. Even today they give close to 1000 pizzas free during a week. * Dominos kept their promise of free pizza if it was late beyond 30 minutes. The company bore the cost * In November 2006 Dominos came up with double cheese crunch pizza. And it increased sales by 45 per cent * Besides that Dominos did a lot of ground activities in terms of alliances, radio advertising, etc. Dominos also have this program called the Rolex challenge. It’s a program run by Domino’s international where store managers are awarded a Rolex watch if the achieve a certain sales level in specified time. PIZZA HUT The advertising strategy for Pizza Hut is two-fold. Firstly, laying emphasis on it being an international brand with an Indian heart, Pizza Hut’s communication is reflective of family values, family bonding, etc. * Pizza Hut’s arranged marriage commercial in Indian settings, and the Palat pizza commercial in Hinglish. * Secondly, highlighting the premise that the pizza is a catalyst that brings people together ensures that this is a brand that connects with the Indian consumer. * The ‘Palat’ concept was launched in 2002, with the launch of Pizza Hut’s innovative range of ‘Stuffed Crust’ pizzas * An unconventional and fun product, the ‘Stuffed Crust’ pizza has a crust that is filled with a ring of mozzarella cheese that magically transforms the crust edge, compelling one to eat the pizza backwards – i. e. , crust first or ‘Palatke’. * Pizza Hut claims as much as 50% of sales from delivery in some stores, and ten of its outlets are takeout only. SEGMENTATION PIZZA HUT 1. Geographic Region: Pizza hut outlets in different parts of Indiaare a way of segmenting their markets according to region and finding out potential markets. City: They also segmented the cities as class I, classII, metros and small towns 2. Demographic Age: Under 10, 10-18, 18-25, 25-40, 40+ Family income: Middle class, upper middle class, high class Dual income earners: Yes/No 3. Psychographic Socio economic class: Urban 4. Behavioural Occasions: Birthdays, corporate lunches, parties, receptions Loyalty status: Low, medium, high User status: First time, regular, non-user DOMINO’S 1. Geographic Region:Domino’soutlets in different part of India are a way of segmenting their market according to region and finding out potential markets. City:They also segmented the cities as class I, class II, metros and small towns 2. Demographic Age:Under 13, 13-21, 21-35,35-50, 50+ Family income: Lower middle class, middle class, upper middle class, high class 3. Psychographic Socio economic class: Urban 4. Behavioural Occasions: Birthdays,parties,receptions,festivals, small office parties Loyalty status:Low,medium, high. User status:First time,regular,non-user TARGETING PIZZA HUT * In geographic segment they targeted countries where there were no pizza hut outlets. Initially opened in class 1 cities and then have now moved to sub-urban. * In demographic segment main target is young adults ranging from 25-40 and also dual-income earners. They basically aim the upper middle class and high class income segment. * In psychographic segment they targeted urban socio-economic classes. * In behavioural segment they targeted occasions such as birthday bashes and corporate lunches. They also targeted the first time users as they felt that the quality and taste would automatically make them a loyal customer. DOMINO’S * In geographic segment they targeted countries where there were no domino’soutlets. Initially opened in class II cities and then have now moved to class I, metros and smaller towns. * In demographic segment main targets are teenagers and college students ranging from 13-21yrs and young adults ranging from 21-35 yrs. They basically aim the upper middle class and middle class income segment. * In psychographic segment they targeted urban socio-economic classes. * In behavioural segment they targeted occasions such as festivals, hostel parties. They also targeted the first time users and also the regular users. SWOT ANALYSIS PIZZA HUT Strengths:1. Strong Universal image that customers easily recognise. 2. Successful customization3. Low competition in eastern part of the world4. Strong network with its franchisees| Weaknesses:1. Lack innovation2. High competition in western world3. Fixed overhead cost| Opportunities:1. Pizza as family dining option2. Pizza is a fast growing niche market3. Services on mobile and other electronic devices| Threats:1. Socio Demographic changes2. Consumers being price sensitive3. Competition from other brands| DOMINO’S Strengths:1. Worldwide Presence2. Leader in pizza delivery industry3. Strong brand image4. Strong network with its franchisees| Weaknesses:1. Declining in-store sales | Opportunities:1. Growth opportunities in developing economies2. Services on mobile and other electronic devices| Threats:1. Competition in the pizza delivery industry2. Increase in health awareness3. Increase in labour and food prices| CONSUMER PREFERENCES Primary Research Results RECOMMENDATIONS PIZZA HUT: 1. High quality personnel: Total cooperation of its employee’s thereby increasing productivity, beating competition and enhancing consumer satisfaction. 2. Pay more attention to untapped segment of Senior citizens. 3. Maintain the product quality by continuous innovations. 4. Emphasis on development of â€Å"Home Delivery† Network. DOMINOS: 1. Make more coupons available to customers: Offer specials for certain times or seasons 2. Improving online ordering procedures. 3. New products specific to location. 4. Customized pizza.